Akdeniz Glass
Double Glazing


Double Glazing Classic ®
is a factory-fabricared, hermetically dual sealed insulating glass unit, assembly with two or more panes of glass separated by a dehydrated air or gas filled intermediary space. Insulating glass units are produced in the plants of the licensed Double Glazing Classic® producers which are audited regularly by Trakya Cam. Double Glazing Classic® insulating glass units are warranted by the licensed ısıcam producer and Trakya Cam against production failures for a period of 10 years. Name of the licensed Isıcam producer. and Double Glazing Classic® trademark stamped on to the space bar, Isıcam label on insulating glass units. Double Glazing Classic® insulating glass units can be incorporated with celar, body tinted, coated, patterned, toughened, enameled, laminated, glass to provide heat and solar control, safety and security, noise control and decorative appearance.

Double Glazing Synergy ®
is the trademark of insulating glass units of Trakya Cam incorporating Low-E heat control coated (TRC Ecotherm) glass. Name of the licensed Isıcam Sinerji® producer and Double Glazing Synergy® trademark on to the spacer bar. Double Glazing Synergy® label on the insulating glass unit. Double Glazing Synergy® has a neutral appearance closer to clear float glass. It provides high light Transmittance. Double Glazing Synergy® decreases heat loss by 77% when compared with single glazing and by 50% when compared with standard Insulating Glass®. Therefore effective thermal insulation is provided and heating expenses are reduced. Initial investment cost is paid back in 3-5 years by providing heating energy savings. In winter, cold spots by windows are eliminated and heat inside the room is radiated equally.

Double Glazing Comfort ®
has a neutral appearance close to float glass. It provides high light transmittance. Double Glazing Comfort®; decreases heat loss by 77% when compared with single glazing and by 50% when compared with Standard Insulating Glass®. Therefore effective thermal insulation in winter is provided and heating expences are reduced. Decreases solar heat gains by 40% when compared with Standars Insulating Glass®. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expences are reduced. Initial investment cost is paid in 3-5 years by providing both heating and cooling energy savings. In winter cold spots and in summer hot spots by windows are eliminated. Double Glazing Comfort® is produced in the plants of licensed Isıcam Konfor® producers which are audited regularly by Trakya Cam. The heat and solar control coating should be placed on the second surface of the Double Glazing Comfort® unit.

Technical Specifications

Double Glazing Feasibility
Double Glazing Classic 2350x3210
Double Glazing Synergy 2350x3210
Double Glazing Comfort 2350x3210